Discover the Competence of Your Finance Individuals with The Acuity Method™
Brilliantly performing finance teams mean enhanced business efficiency, productivity and profitability.
Use our assessment tool, The Acuity Measure™, to understand the abilities of your existing finance team and bring in the right skills from new hires to build a high performance finance team.
With thousands of tests completed across 500 companies, we have refined our assessment, which can be used for any finance individual, to allow us to validate a wide variety of skills from hands-on working and Excel ability to modelling and management.
By working with CFOs and FDs we have identified the 5 Skill Dimensions of a Modern CFO – a clear structure from which we measure and develop senior finance individuals’ capabilities.
5 Skill Dimensions of the Modern FD/CFO
Crystallising strategic objectives into a coherent and cohesive plan.
Ensuring consistency of understanding and assumptions across the business.
Working with colleagues outside finance to understand their issues and help them achieve their objectives.
Ensuring the finances of the business are improved by setting and monitoring against plan.
Ensuring proper accounting records are maintained and statutory reporting, tax and other obligations are met.
Not all financial professionals are created equally
Whilst on paper two candidates could appear to be equally appropriate for the role, you have to go beyond the numbers and beyond the qualifications to find those who really can perform.
It’s time to hire for capability, not just qualifications
Qualifications are an essential part of financial recruitment but outside of qualifications, how do you know if they can actually undertake the tasks you need them to complete?
The ONLY way to avoid
a “bad hire”
The cost of “bad hire” is 30% of annual salary + resulting missed opportunities and errors caused.
A disproportionate amount of time is wasted in the rehiring process, as well as correcting any mistakes.