How Does Your FD Measure Up Against Their Peers?

Image of tape measures

From strategic planning and cash-flow forecasting to managing investor relationships and creating roadmaps for revenue growth, many organisations rely on their Finance Director to help drive their business forward.

How can you determine if your FD has the skills required to help your business scale and thrive? Are they inspiring or discouraging those who report into them? Can they act with authority and integrity? Are they forward-thinking and dynamic or stuck in their ways?

The Acuity Method TM was developed to answer all these questions and more. As well as being a valuable recruitment tool, it can also be used to help organisations strengthen their existing finance team.


How The Acuity Method TM works

Employees are asked a series of questions. Their answers are then collated and put into an easy-to-interpret report. This will highlight how the individual in question scores based on the five dimensions that make an effective senior finance professional. You can find out more about this in our whitepaper ‘5D FD: Benchmarking the Five-Dimensional Finance Director.’

Our tool can also identify which employees are likely to be business drivers and have an impact on the future of the business.

As well as truly understanding your employees and what drives them, The Acuity MeasureTM offers many other benefits:

  • You can identify training opportunities for employees who need extra support. Keeping skills current will enhance career development and promote high performing finance teams.
  • It will enable you to identify skill gaps which will help to enhance your recruitment process. When making a new hire, you can ensure you’re plugging any gaps with individuals who possesses the skills your existing team doesn’t have.
  • You can feel confident that you’re allocating employees with tasks which are better suited to their strengths, providing employees with training opportunities and creating teams that complement each other’s strengths and weaknesses.

Having conducted more than 1,000 tests, we have full confidence that The Acuity MeasureTM can accurately assess how your FD measures against their peers. Get in touch to find out how you can start benefiting from this invaluable tool today.




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